June 20 is World Refugee Day.
UMCOR’s work with refugees began in the 1940’s and remains a strong focus today. Together with ecumenical partners, UMCOR’s work is rooted in the biblical mandate to welcome the stranger.
Join us in honoring the strength and resiliency of those forced to flee from home after civil unrest or natural disaster. Commit to support the four rights of migrants: the right to stay, the right to safe passage, the right to welcome and belonging, and the right to return.
Use the resources below as tools for awareness, education, action and advocacy:
Listen to a set of poems and prayers on the topic of migration
Written and narrated by the Rev. Jack Amick, UMCOR’s director of Global Migration
additional resources
Bulletin Insert
- National Justice for Our Neighbors – https://njfon.org
- U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement (interactive map of resources and contacts by state) – https://www.acf.hhs.gov/orr/map/find-resources-and-contacts-your-state
- Church World Service – https://cwsglobal.org
- UM General Board of Church & Society – https://www.umcjustice.org/what-we-care-about/civil-and-human-rights/global-migration
- International Organization for Migration – https://www.iom.int
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – https://www.unhcr.org/en-us/teaching-about-refugees.html
- The Death and Life of Aida Hernandez by Aaron Bobro-Strain
- This Land is Our Land by Suketu Mehta
- Immigration and the Bible by Joan Maruskin