Support UMCOR’s greatest need
Your gifts support programs that respond to disaster whenever and wherever the need arises and assists migrants and refugees as they seek places of welcome and belonging.

Courtesy of North Katanga DMO
“UMCOR was the first organization to come to our aid, and support was distributed to everyone, without discrimination…Many Masai have joined the UMC after witnessing this generosity and compassion.”
In Tanzania, devastating floods affected thousands at the end of 2023 and into 2024. The disaster displaced families and damaged homes. UMCOR mobilized to provide essential aid, working alongside local partners to deliver food, clean water, hygiene supplies and shelter materials to those in need.
The response not only addressed immediate needs but also aimed to support long-term recovery efforts, helping communities rebuild and heal. “The impact extended beyond material assistance,” said the Rev. Idda John Ngowi, Masai district superintendent. “The spirit of the community has improved.”
“As a result of this project, anxiety, loneliness, misinformation and a sense of not belonging have significantly decreased among the refugees and immigrants we served.”
Patrice, a single mother from Guatemala, fled to the U.S. after receiving threats following her husband’s death. Comunidad de Paz Haws, a ministry of Haws Avenue United Methodist Church in Pennsylvania, was able to offer Patrice and her children vital assistance with the help of a Mustard Seed Migration Grant from UMCOR. Many newcomers, like two Nicaraguan men who faced hardships at the border, also found refuge and support at Haws Avenue UMC. The Rev. Lisa DePaz notes that while the church is small and under-resourced, the grant has significantly alleviated anxiety and loneliness among the immigrants served, providing essential supplies and transportation assistance.

Courtesy of Haws Ave. UMC

Courtesy of Camp Tygart, GA
“We’re looking for ways to reduce or eliminate emissions so that we aren’t sowing the seeds for more supercharged storms in the future and causing more suffering down the road as we seek to alleviate suffering in the present.”
In the wake of Hurricane Helene, a mobile solar microgrid was deployed to support relief efforts in Georgia. This innovative and sustainable solution, led by UMCOR and other partners, provided a reliable and renewable energy source for Emergency Response Team volunteers. By enabling access to electricity, the mobile solar microgrid played a crucial role in helping volunteers aid communities in responding to the hurricane’s destruction. As the impact of climate change worsens, the mobile solar power station demonstrates the potential of clean energy technologies to address immediate needs and contribute to long-term recovery strategies in areas hit by a disaster.