Reagan Lyn Page is an international Global Mission Fellow with the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries, engaged in a two-year term of service.

The Global Mission Fellows program takes young adults ages 20-30 out of their home environments and places them in new contexts for mission experience and service. The program has a strong emphasis on faith and justice. Global Mission Fellows become active parts of their new local communities. They connect the church in mission across cultural and geographical boundaries. They grow in personal and social holiness and become strong young leaders working to build just communities in a peaceful world.

Reagan is a member and volunteer of the United Methodist Wesley Foundation at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, related to the Oklahoma Annual Conference. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in political science and a Bachelor of Arts degree in global studies from OSU.

“I grew up attending my church’s youth group every Wednesday,” Reagan said, “but like many children, I did not entirely understand my faith. I began having one-on-one meetings with my pastor the last two years of high school, talking about social justice, the state of the world and what could be done about it. I grew in my faith, and he encouraged me to pursue ministry, but I was unsure. Either way, I wanted to find a good church community in college.”

When Reagan arrived at college, she had a difficult time matching her beliefs with a church. At the beginning of sophomore year, a friend invited her to the Wesley Foundation. “I knew I had found my place,” she said. “The love for people of all walks of life, plus the interest in justice and how the church should be involved in this, spoke to me in a way no other church in town had.”

She enjoyed attending weekly, but hadn’t gotten to know the pastor, James, very well. Then she heard his sermon focusing on the injustices in the prison system of Mozambique. “When I went home that night,” Reagan said, “I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I read some research articles and scheduled a one-on-one with him to talk about social justice issues around the world and to give him a book I thought he should read. After talking about my passions and how I wanted to help, James recommended Global Mission Fellows as another route I could pursue. I started my application.”

Already planning to work in international development, Reagan was trying to figure out the first step. “I knew I wanted to get my master’s,” she said, “but I wanted to explore the world and help other people first. The call of ministry finally made sense to me. After years of encouragement, it came full circle with the realization that for me, showing God’s love through the service of those in need was the ministry to which I was called.”

Reagan brings rich experiences to her new role as a Global Mission Fellow. Throughout college, she assisted three professors with data collection, statistical analysis and writing. She also was the regional president of Silver Wings, a service club affiliated with the Air Force that addresses a variety of issues. She helped to lead chapters in multiple states. Through Silver Wings, she honed her skills in community development, organization, public speaking and fundraising, as well as her love for service.