Kirkscey, Amanda
This missionary has completed service. The Advance number will remain active until January 2025.
Amanda Kirkscey (they/them) is a United Methodist missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries. They are a Mission Advocate for Young Adult Mission Service, telling the mission story as it relates to Global Mission Fellows and the partners they service through virtual and in-person opportunities through the denomination. MA-YAMS accompany potential applicants, current Fellows and alumni to understand the core values of the Global Mission Fellows program and make connections to enhance the movement of young adults committed to mission and justice.
Born and raised in Texas, Amanda earned a bachelors in marketing from Texas A&M University, College Station (2014), and a masters in theology and ministry from Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, Texas (2022). They most recently served as a ministry intern/financial assistant at First Street Methodist Mission, Fort Worth. They are a member of University United Methodist Church, Fort Worth.
Amanda has spent most of their life in the United Methodist church, finding community and spiritual growth throughout.
In college, Amanda quickly got involved in Christian organizations. Seeking – but not finding – authentic opportunities for ministry, however, they became disillusioned. “I never felt like I turned away from God,” they said, “but I definitely didn’t attend church regularly. Instead, I dedicated my time to organizations that helped the community and fostered meaningful relationships.” Moving to a new city in 2015 and searching for community, Amanda contacted a former youth pastor who invited them to church. “I found people with hearts for Jesus and hearts for people,” they said. “I was hit in the face with all of the wonderful things about a church that I had been missing: community, love, care, growth, challenges, service work and radical hospitality.”
Amanda has been involved in the United Methodist Global Justice Volunteers and Global Mission Fellows mission programs where they cemented their desire to work in Christ-centered social justice spaces. Following their time in young adult missions, Amanda attended Brite Divinity School which they explained, “helped me strengthen my theological foundation to make more thoughtful and meaningful decisions in where to apply my spiritual gifts to help alleviate human suffering in the world.”