Photo: Patrick Booth

Global Missionaries

Missionaries are a tangible connection between the church and God’s mission.

Through denominational or ecumenical ministries, missionaries bear witness to God’s presence all around the world as pastors and evangelists, doctors and nurses, and teachers and social workers. They are called by God and sent out to serve by the church, usually placed in a new cultural context beyond their country of origin. United Methodist missionaries serve anywhere from three years to three decades.

Missionaries engage in ministry that is defined by mutuality and partnership, seeking to expand the mission of God already present and active in people and places.

Become a missionary

Do you feel called to serve as a missionary?

Becoming a Global Ministries missionary involves several steps, from discernment to being commissioned for service. Applicants must meet several basic requirements, including being a professing Christian, having the appropriate education and experience for the position and, most importantly, embodying a willingness to serve.

Those wishing to serve as missionaries through Global Ministries must meet some basic requirements to apply. These include being a professing Christian, the appropriate education and experience for the position, and most importantly, a willingness to serve. Becoming a Global Ministries missionary involves several steps, from discernment to commissioning. Learn more about our requirements and application process below.

Covenant with a missionary

Covenant Partner Relationships provide an opportunity for missionaries and churches or individuals to support one another spiritually, emotionally and financially. By covenanting together, both the missionary and church or individual deepen their experience of God’s mission.

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Taking church to the streets

Missionary Eliad Dias dos Santos believes the church must extend its presence into the streets to develop ministry that truly serves the people who live there.

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Korean UMC churches announce deeper support for missionary service

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