Your gift to UMCOR makes God’s love tangible to survivors of all kinds—be it from war or conflict, hurricane, famine, earthquake or flood.

mother and child smiling
your gifts
  • Enable emergency grants and supplies immediately after a disaster.
  • Provide for sustainable sources of food, water and shelter.
  • Allow UMCOR workers and volunteers to be among the earliest to arrive and the last to leave when people are in need.
  • Help strengthen communities through both disaster preparedness and long-term recovery.
Your gift, joined with the gifts of others, makes a significant impact in the lives of individuals and communities.

Give to the greatest need

The below Advances are used to create grants for partners around the world under UMCOR’s different programmatic areas. Donors giving to these Advances allow UMCOR to award funds based on need. Help alleviate human suffering, and advance hope and healing around the world. Give today! 

Where Most is Needed

Give to the greatest need to fight hunger and poverty, assist the displaced and respond to disasters.

Give to UMCOR Where Most Needed, Advance #999895.

International Disaster Response

U.S. Disaster Response

Global Migration

Global Health

Areas of impact

Find your passion




Church Giving

Planned Giving

Gifts of Stock

Matching Gifts & Workplace Giving

IRA Giving