Growing Hope Globally, formerly Foods Resource Bank

Project Information
Supporting agricultural development programs around the world, helping people living in hunger to help themselves and provide for their families.
Describe the need affecting community
Hundreds of millions of people around the world struggle with hunger. More than 70% of them live in rural areas and farm for a living yet struggle to make ends meet. By supporting agricultural development programs, we can help these farmers help themselves, provide for their families and improve their communities.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Growing Hope Globally supports agricultural development programs that make a lasting impact. We work with our member organizations and their trusted local partners to provide the right tools and training to help families know the dignity and hope of providing for themselves.
The programs we support:
• Improve incomes, enabling parents to send their children to school, afford medical care and improve their housing.
• Allow participants to thrive in their home communities and make a living through farming, rather than migrating to find work.
• Build resilience to flooding, drought and other disasters through sustainable and diversified farming methods.
• Help families to grow a variety of nutritious food so they have a balanced diet year-round.
Growing Hope Globally gives U.S. communities the opportunity to respond to global hunger right where they are through our unique Growing Project model.
Growing Projects involve community groups, including farmers, agribusinesses, churches and others who come together around the common cause of helping people who struggle with hunger. Together they grow crops, raise animals or do other activities to generate funds to support our overseas programs.
Describe the primary goal of the project
Growing lasting solutions to hunger. Working with U.S. communities to support agricultural development programs that help people struggling with hunger around the world to help themselves and provide for their families.