Angel House Orphanage and School

Project Information
Existing to care for orphaned/abandon children, to educate a faithful, self-sufficient generation.
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
The orphanage staff are some of the key leaders in the village’s UMC, which originally began in the living room of the orphanage and later worshipped at the school before purchasing their own land to build the current church. The empowerment felt by the Angel House staff, through leadership training, teamwork, and economic empowerment through employment, is allowing them to pour back into the community surrounding the orphanage, school, and church. Partners provides child sponsorships to those that feed, cloth, and educate the orphaned children. Some of the most beautiful aspects of the project has taken place because our Tanzanian staff believed so wholeheartedly in the vision of what could one day be, not only for the children of Angel House but for the entire community.
Describe the primary goal of the project
The primary goal is to work in partnership with the local communities – the church, the village leadership, and the local government – to assist each sector in providing a way for the orphaned children from their community to be cared for, nurtured, and educated that they might not only stand on their own, but make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
One great change in our community that we pray for constantly would be that God would continue to use the home and the school as a beacon of God’s love in our village and the nearby town. That He would raise up leaders from the kids’ house and from the school that would make an impact for Christ and for the church in the whole of Tanzania. We believe He has called and will continue to call students of great faith in whom He has placed great leadership skills to join the school, be educated well, gain a strong foundation, and make a difference in the entire nation by going out from Angel and helping the church plant new and strengthen existing congregations.