Central Asia In Mission Together

Project Information
Supporting new churches through leadership training, ministry with the poor, and healthcare programs.
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
The primary task of the Central Asia Mission Initiative is to strengthen existing congregations and to plant new faith communities throughout Central Asia. The Mission Initiative will also respond to not only spiritual needs, but also physical needs as well.
Describe the primary goal of the project
(1) To strengthen existing congregations. Congregations will grow increasingly more self-sufficient as their size and vitality grows. (2) To strategically create new Bible groups with indigenous leaders every year. (3) To develop clergy and laity leadership (4) To further develop social services. This includes outreach to elderly, women, recovering addicts, homeless, and prison ministry. Expand medical missions to new regions of Central Asia. (5) To evangelize to youth and young adults
Contact Information
Prumeh Lee