Vehicles for Evangelization, Social Service, and Other Church Needs

Country: Bolivia
Advance #00430S DONATE NOW

Project Information

Purchasing vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles for church programs and activities.

Describe the need affecting community

Very few pastors or church members own their car, pastors often walk 10 miles or further to visit the multiple congregations that they serve. Bicycles are extremely valuable in the altiplano and the jungle areas reducing the time spent moving from one community to another by national and local pastors and district lay leaders. Motorcycles are needed by pastors serving communities in the mountains. National executives need vehicles to travel the country to visit local churches and districts and carry out evangelization events, and social services. We would like to have a vehicle in each district to facilitate the ministries of the district. This vehicles are critical for the evangelization, church growth spiritual formation and social services of the IEMB.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

By providing funding for the maintenance of the trucks, motorcycles and bicycles, and to purchase additional vehicles.

Describe the primary goal of the project

Raise funds for the maintenance and purchase of vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles for the IEMB.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

By having a better transportation and communication with the different districts, this will improve the activities of the IEMB.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Obispo Medardo Vedia Gutiérrez