Hungary In Mission Together

Project Information
Strengthening the mission and social activities in the UMC in Hungary with the help of volunteers.
Describe the need affecting community
The UMC in Hungary is a mission-oriented church, but its activities are limited by the finances and lack of necessary facilities. It is due partly to the minority status of the church and also to the economic conditions in the country. The communist times preceding the 1990-ies restricted the activities of the church much. It was not allowed to build churches and even today we do not have the suitable facilities for the life of the church in many places. In spite of these difficulties, the social activities of the church far exceeded its size and capacities. We reach out to those in need, the poor, including the disadvantageous minority of the Roma; we maintain five Roma congregations; work with children and youth; we have two homes for the elderly and also maintain a secondary school in Budapest.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
The Hungary IMT project serves the mission purposes of the UMC in Hungary. The UMC has been present in Hungary for almost 120 years. The church has always been in mission to the needy providing social help and has also shared God’s love by preaching the gospel both in cities and in rural areas. Our aim is to use the experiences of our partner churches and of the global church and share our experiences with them. This helps us to fulfill God’s mission call together. The project is a tool to build relationships with congregations outside Hungary and share joys and needs as well.
Describe the primary goal of the project
To strengthen the Roma ministry and support the maintenance of their church buildings. To strengthen the mission-oriented thinking and activities in the local congregations. To strengthen the existing IMT partnerships and start new ones. To organize camps for children and for teenagers. To continue the Forrai Methodist High School project. To support pastors’ salaries.