UMCOR Menstrual Hygiene Kit (“Period Pack”)
Providing basic necessities to support vulnerable menstruating populations. Menstrual Hygiene Kits are distributed during disasters, whether socio-economic or as the result of a natural occurrence.

View and download/print the UMCOR Menstrual Hygiene Kit Instructions
UMCOR Menstrual Hygiene Kit (“Period Pack”) Materials
- One one-gallon size re-sealable bag
- Two 2 oz. bottle hand sanitizer
- Three 4-gallon bathroom trash bags
- One travel pack of wet ones
- 10 Tampons (5 regular and 5 super absorbency)
- Unscented
- 10 Sanitary Napkins
- Unscented
- Long super ultra-thin
- Bath-size soap (3 oz. bar or larger)
- No Ivory or Jergen’s soap
- Do not remove from packaging
- One pack of flushable wipes (42 count)
- Unscented
- Six laundry detergent sheets
- Laundry detergent sheets should be placed inside of a small plastic storage bag prior to being added to the kit.
- The cost of the Menstrual Hygiene Kit has increased from $14.00 to $24.00.
Assembly Directions
- Start with a one-gallon resealable bag.
- Place one pack of the flushable wipes and wet wipes in the bag.
- Place three 4-gallon bathroom trash bags and the 10 sanitary napkins in the bag.
- Then, add the smaller items in the plastic bag, remove air, and seal.
Important Notes
- All items must be new.
- Do not wash any of the items as they will no longer be considered new.
- Do not include any personal notes, money or additional materials in the kits.
- Contents of kits or the containers of kits should not be imprinted with cartoon characters, advertisements, religious, patriotic, military or camouflage symbols.
Packing & Shipping Instructions
- Please send a single check to the Sager Brown Depot or the affiliate warehouse that will receive your donation of Menstrual Hygiene Kits. The check amount should cover the total number of kits times $2.00 for the cost of shipping. Do not place check inside the box of menstrual hygiene kits. Please mail under a separate cover. On the memo line, indicate that the funds are a donation to cover costs associated with relief supply kits.