Criteria to Become an Advance Project for 2017-2020


Projects providing services outside of the United States

The project must have worked in collaboration with or be a part of a United Methodist Central Conference, Mission Initiative, or Partner Church of the General Board of Global Ministries (Global Ministries). In Mission Initiative countries, priority will be given to project applications that are working collaboratively with the Mission Initiative leadership.


Be an organization that has received funding from or worked collaboratively with the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) or Global Ministries.

Projects providing services within the United States 

The project must have national or regional donor appeal or must have interest/support from more than one annual conference.
Projects that do not meet this criterion could qualify to raise funds through their annual conference; The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church outlines guidelines for Annual Conference Advance Programs in ¶655.


  • Projects must be in accordance with the priorities of the local bishop or president of the church (for United Methodist or partner Churches).
  • Projects that are global or regional in scope will be reviewed by a Global Ministries regional staff member to identify if the project is a priority in the local areas where it will operate.
  • Projects that are providing humanitarian aid should be familiar with Sphere standards and indicate ways they are working toward the Sphere quality and accountability standards for humanitarian response.
  • Projects must demonstrate that it is working towards one or more of the four areas of focus:
    • Leadership Development
    • Congregational Development
    • Ministry with the Poor
    • Global Health

Continuing projects must have received at least $5,000 in Advance gifts during the last two years to be eligible to re-apply.


  • Priority will be given to applications that come from the country where the services are being provided. Head of church for the service area will review all applications.
  • Projects must submit a complete application to The Advance.
  • Advance financial goal must be a minimum of $5,000.
  • Advance gifts should not be the only source of support.
  • Projects must have a realistic fundraising plan:
  • Projects must have potential United Methodist donors that are already identified from outside the local area.
  • Projects must have a plan that demonstrates how it will take advantage of Advance status and actively work to raise funds through The Advance in order to meet the project annual financial goal.
  • Projects must have received monetary gifts from local sources. (Local sources may include local individuals, congregations, businesses, foundations, government grants, and other local sources.)
  • Projects must provide a realistic budget.
  • Projects must have a child protection policy or values statement that demonstrates standards for child safety such as those stated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and explain how these policies or values will be implemented.

Review Process

  • Priority may be given to projects that provide a plan to become financially sustainable.
  • Priority will be given to projects that already have established relationships and partnerships with donors.
  • Priority may be given to projects that provide promotional materials such as digital photos, stories, newsletters, videos, or other materials that can be used by The Advance to promote the project.
  • The UMC has 13 agencies each tasked with leading the denomination in a certain area. The Advance works with agencies to determine priorities and clear understanding of direction when it deems necessary.


The project must have a system of financial accountability. It must keep accounting records and documentation supporting the costs declared in the annual report. As a minimum, these records should include a list of expenditure items incurred, duly referenced to and supported by adequate documentation, including invoices, receipts, and bank account statements. The project must be able to provide Global Ministries with documentation of all receipts and disbursements if requested. 

The project must NOT be an individual.

Requirements To Continue As A Project Of The Advance
  • Submit a complete annual project report.
  • Make progress towards project goals and outcomes and show impact.
  • Show measurable results of progress.
  • Use gifts per the purposes listed in the budget of the approved project application.
  • Receive $5,000 or more given through The Advance over the last two years.

    For more information, contact Global Ministries/UMCOR at 458 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE, Building A, Suite 1, Atlanta, Georgia 30308; Tel. +1 (404) 460-7489