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Showing Results for: global health
General Board of Global Ministries - The United Methodist Church

Apply to become a US-2 Fellows in the US-2 Track are: Young adults between the ages of 20 to 30 in the year that service begins…

In recognition and celebration of the increasing diversity of the United States, Global Ministries administers four of The United Methodist Church’s six ethnic/language ministry plans,…

The Environmental Sustainability program seeks to increase the use of renewable energy, particularly in disaster response and health care, works directly with churches to launch…

General Board of Global Ministries - The United Methodist Church

Global Ministries seeks U.S.-based United Methodists to lead grassroots environmental projects that are action-oriented, antiracist, bold and entrepreneurial. Global Ministries EarthKeepers is a training and…

General Board of Global Ministries - The United Methodist Church

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