Wilson, Julie M.

The Rev. Julie Wilson is a missionary with the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries, serving as a Church and Community Worker. Julie serves as Open Arms Community Center program coordinator in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
A native of Vermont, Julie is an ordained Deacon in the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference. Julie holds three degrees: Bachelor of Science in biology and secondary education from Elmira (New York) College (1998); Master of Education with a focus on diversity issues from Vermont College of Norwich University, Montpelier, Vermont (2001); and Master of Divinity, plus certification in urban ministry, from Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C. (2011). Julie is currently studying for a Doctor in Ministry at Hood Theological Seminary in Salisbury, North Carolina (projected graduation, 2025).
Julie’s previous appointments have included serving with the General Board of Church and Society as well as with several local churches in the roles of mission/outreach/justice coordinator and as an interim pastor for a season. Julie is married to the Rev. Heath Wilson; they have an adult son.
Raised in the Roman Catholic Church, Julie has always loved liturgy and ritual. However, Julie felt closest to God when engaging in community with others. “Exposure to diverse theological worldviews in college,” Julie said, “encouraged me to find a denomination where I felt more comfortable in my calling.” This led Julie to The United Methodist Church.
Julie attributes success to the love of diversity, passion to pursue experiences in the faith walk, and educational and professional life. “My drive for ministries of justice and compassion,” Julie continued, “led me toward ordained ministry as a deacon. The more time I spend with the people of God, the more I want to explore the nature of God and the many ways one can encounter the Almighty.”
Serving as a Church and Community Worker allows Julie to “help those who are hurting, those who are looked down upon by society, those who have been treated unjustly and those who simply need to know that someone loves and cares for them,” Julie said. Confident that every opportunity is being woven into a tapestry of preparation for wherever God is calling, Julie said, “I am so excited to see what God has planned!”