Seza, G.

G. Seza is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church. As the agricultural coordinator for the Central Africa, he focuses on agriculture, livestock and social justice.
He earned a master’s degree in crop improvement and biotechnology, as well as a diploma of agronomist at Lubumbashi University. Along with working in research related to his field, Seza has taught at Katanga Methodist University and Philip Lemon University (Adventist University) and directed development for The United Methodist Church.
A lay member of Paroisse Jerusalem Francophone Church in Haut-Katanga, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Seza is married, and the couple has two sons.
“I was born into a Christian family of a Catholic father and a Methodist mother,” Seza said. “I was consecrated as a baby in The United Methodist Church.” As a child, he participated in the Youth for Christ cadet group. From age 12, he held leadership roles with the group as secretary, director of education, vice president and president.
At the same time, Seza was part of the parish evangelist-intercessor team. This allowed him to learn from a trained evangelist and preacher. Today he is the chaplain’s assistant and a preacher at the Episcopal Administration Team and one of the preachers at the French-speaking Jerusalem parish.
“In my Christian life,” Seza said, “I have experienced the hand of God in various circumstances. Today my faith is such that I find every solution in the name of the Lord Jesus, and I confirm that if you believe, you will see the glory of God.”
His favorite Bible passage is Philippians 4:13, which reads, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
“I know how to live in abundance [and] in scarcity,” Seza continued. “If God is for me, who will be against me? I believe in the Resurrection of Christ, the foundation of our faith. I believe in eternal life, the resurrection of the dead and the Trinity. Through the love of God, Christ has saved us totally, spiritually, physically, financially and materially because with God, everything is possible, God being the providential source of our life.”
Seza’s missionary call, he explained, “is a response to my call from God, who wants us to be sources of blessing for others. God calls us to go to all nations [and to] make disciples of Christ through the gospel and through social works such as agriculture.”
Seza is excited about becoming a missionary. “Like clay in the potter’s hand,” he said, “I am ready to serve God by putting my professional skills, my professional experiences through my Christian faith and my abilities to contribute to doing good to others in humility, flexibility and peace and by the grace of God.”
He sees missionary service as “a commitment to work for God, who created us to be faithful servants.”
Quoting from Matthew 9:37-38, he said, “The harvest is great, but there are few workers. I come as one of the workers available to serve. I say, ‘Here I am, Lord. Send me!’”