Lutego, Francisca George

Francisca George Lutego is an international Global Mission Fellow with the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries, engaged in a two-year term of service.
The Global Mission Fellows program takes young adults ages 20-30 out of their home environments and places them in new contexts for mission experience and service. The program has a strong emphasis on faith and justice. Global Mission Fellows become active parts of their new local communities. They connect the church in mission across cultural and geographical boundaries. They grow in personal and social holiness and become strong young leaders working to build just communities in a peaceful world.
Francisca is a member of Ilula United Methodist Church in the Tanzania Annual Conference. She teaches girls health education in her congregation.
After graduating from a folk high school in Ulsteinvik, Norway, Francisca earned a Bachelor of Education degree in languages and management at Mzumbe University of Morogoro, Tanzania.
Serving the community and addressing injustice draw Francisca to Global Mission Fellows. She is especially interested in dealing with child abuse and gender inequalities, helping people with special needs, and fighting the root causes of oppression and poverty.
Since receiving her university degree, volunteering in schools and orphanages has become Francisca’s passion. She appreciates opportunities to engage society to create change. Through a communication-for-change youth program, she traveled to Kenya and Norway. She focused on climate change, explored different cultures, worked with women’s empowerment and provided sex education to youth.
“Also,” Francisca said, “I managed to address injustice issues like child abuse, human rights and conflict management in secondary schools.” In the process, she learned from the communities she visited.
Ultimately, Francisca hopes to be an agent for change.
“I am young, energetic and creative,” she said, “with an entrepreneurial mindset and the ability to work in any dynamic environment the situation demands. I have a spirit of teamwork and possess the ability to learn quickly, with minimal supervision.
“I want to learn from others,” Francisca concluded, “and share my life with people around the world.”