Kim, HyoJin

Country: Switzerland
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Serving At: World Council of Churches, Geneva
Home Country: South Korea

The Rev. Dr. HyoJin Kim, a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, was commissioned in 2024. He serves as coordinator for Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation and Unity for the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland. Most recently, he was senior pastor of First United Methodist Church, New Carlisle, Ohio, in the West Ohio Annual Conference.

A graduate of Methodist Theological School in Ohio, Kim earned a Master of Divinity at Methodist Theological University and a doctoral degree in political science at Korea University, both in Seoul, South Korea.

“From my youth,” he said, “God has guided me along an unpredictable path. While many attempts to achieve diverse goals have failed, they consistently opened new windows of opportunity, allowing God’s new direction.”

Kim’s ordination as a full United Methodist elder was an example.

“Reflecting on my past and career development under God’s guidance,” he said, “I’ve learned to remain alert to changes around me and be open to external signals challenging my internal stance. Through experiences shaping my career, I discern changes and external influences challenging preconceptions.”

Had he stayed in South Korea during his Master of Divinity course, Kim noted, he would not have considered the possibility of becoming a pastor in the Korean Methodist Church.

“However,” he noted, “the challenge presented itself when I arrived in Ohio in July 2017, prompting me to undergo the UMC ordination process, completing it in the shortest timeframe under God’s guidance. God orchestrated the entire process.”

Kim felt called to serve English-speaking congregations within The United Methodist Church.

“My spiritual formation and journey stem from my sensitivity and receptiveness to external stimuli, guiding my behavioral responses and aligning them spiritually with God,” he said. “These efforts require continuous self-examination through words and prayers, regularly checked by mentors and internal/external circumstances. As an expert in international relations, I’ve observed global changes shaping our current age.

“In today’s complex world, missional success requires divine wisdom coupled with cultural understanding, language proficiency and strategic communication. This endeavor also demands passion and expertise in church planting and gospel dissemination. I aspire to be part of this mission. I am committed to continually discerning God’s unfolding direction amid unpredictable changes.”

Today’s mission, Kim asserted, aligns with Christ’s Great Commission. “Many regions globally have yet to encounter the gospel message or gain a comprehensive understanding of Christianity due to limited exposure or infrastructure,” he said.

“Missionaries play a crucial role in disseminating the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ, especially in parts of the world where substantial global inequalities persist in areas such as health care, education, poverty alleviation and human rights. Mission work actively addresses critical needs through services, empowerment and community development.

“The landscape of the mission field is continually evolving,” Kim continued. “New approaches are required to engage effectively with changing demographics, worldviews and contexts in a culturally sensitive way. In addition, today’s interconnectivity presents new digital outreach avenues for geographically dispersed faith-sharing and relationship-building over barriers. The role of missionaries is to fulfill these missions to fill the gap among people.”

He concluded, however, “It is the certain and unchangeable truth that the fundamental basis by all missionaries and for all ministries stand firmly on the power of gospel incarnated into Jesus.”