Degni, Aka Henri Joel

Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Advance #3022816 DONATE NOW
Serving At: Jerusalem UMC
Home Country: Côte d'Ivoire

Aka Henri Joel Degni is an international Global Mission Fellow with the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries, engaged in a two-year term of service.

A member of City of Grace United Methodist Church in Koumassi, related to the Côte d’Ivoire Annual Conference, Aka is involved in Scouting, the communications department and the church band.

“At first,” he said, “my growth [as a Christian] was not easy because since my teenage years, I had a spiritual turbulence – namely, lack of prayer life, fasting and consecration. I was doing several things that took me away from the presence of God.

“For several years,” Aka continued, “my spiritual growth has really taken off. Prayer, meditation and fasting have become my new friends. I can serve God in my life.”

He also serves God in the community, especially at the youth level. “I am one of the spiritual leaders of the youth,” Aka said, “and I can only bless the name of God.” In his congregation, he leads a cell group with his spiritual trainer.

Aka feels called to mission work, he explained, because “I must respond to the instruction that God has asked – to go and make disciples of all nations and to respond to God’s call on my life. I am passionate about the work of the Lord.” He wants to do more to make an impact on current and future generations.

Aka is excited about becoming a missionary. “To take care of others, to help others,” he said, “are the good values to cultivate as a child of God because the Bible says that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving.”

He is especially eager to use his skills in language (French), multimedia design and photography in his new role with Global Ministries.