Baughman, Becca May

Country: United States of America
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Serving At: Seminole Heights UMC
Home Country: United States of America

Becca May Baughman is a US-2 Global Mission Fellow with the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries, engaged in a two-year term of service.  

The Global Mission Fellows program takes young adults ages 20-30 out of their home environments and places them in new contexts for mission experience and service. The program has a strong emphasis on faith and justice. Global Mission Fellows become active parts of their new local communities. They connect the church in mission across cultural and geographical boundaries. They grow in personal and social holiness and become strong young leaders working to build just communities in a peaceful world. 

Becca is a member of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, Indianapolis, part of the Indiana Annual Conference. “I am in a Bible study for young adult women,” she said. “I love reading theology books and serving where I can.” 

As a teen, she worked as a buddy at Camp Healing Tree in Indianapolis. She helped to provide a safe space for campers to express grief, led small-group activities and helped to ensure campers’ safety. 

She earned a Bachelor of Science degree at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. Her majors were theater directing and women’s/gender studies. 

Becca has always had a heart for others. “My bio mother taught me that God calls us to help those whose needs are greater than our own,” she said. “We should never turn a blind eye to those in need, whether that need be financial, physical or emotional. All gifts are given from God, so who am I to hoard gifts that do not belong to me?”  

Recently, Becca has grappled “with the intersection between my faith, my passions and making a living,” she said. “I have been struggling with how to turn my passions into a career. I graduated college with no idea of what the next step was, but a promise to God to say ‘yes’ to the doors God opened for me.” This led her to apply for an instructional assistant position at Lebanon Middle School, in which she was given the opportunity to help students thrive academically and behaviorally. She said, “I love helping my students grow, and teaching them that even if they can’t strive in the classroom, they still have talents and strengths.” 

In June 2022, Becca’s openness to say “yes” to the doors God opened led to Global Mission Fellows. Becca’s mom attended annual conference and learned about GMF. 

“I looked into the program,” Becca recalled, “reminding myself of my commitment to say ‘yes.’ My excitement continued to increase. I saw the perfect intersection between faith and service. I love working at the middle school, but I cannot share with my kids true hope and faith, nor can I tell them about the God who loves them so much he sent his son to die for them.” 

When asked what she hopes to gain from Global Mission Fellows, Becca replied, “I want to learn where this intersection can take me; how I can continue to care for those most in need in our community, yet also continue to share the hope that lies within me.”