Global Mission Fellows US-2 Track: strategic vision update
The Global Mission Fellows program is in the process of discerning what young adult mission service in the United States looks like today. We are re-envisioning how to best support young adults in the great work and passions they are already living out.
For now, this means we are continuing support for the fellows currently serving in the US-2 Track but we are not sending a 2025-2027 US-2 Track cohort.
During this season of re-envisioning, we are excited to offer other ways for young adults to engage in mission. We invite you to explore the International Track for Global Mission Fellows, or if you are specifically interested in impactful service opportunities in the United States, check out Earthkeepers or Mission Volunteers.
If you would like to be part of the conversation on re-envisioning the Global Mission Fellows US-2 Track, please contact us at gmfellows@umcmission.org.
What is the US-2 Track?
The Global Mission Fellows US-2 Track has a rich history of young adult mission service in the United States. Since 1951, young adults have crossed boundaries and formed meaningful relationships to better understand the needs of local communities.
Fellows who serve in the US-2 Track witness deep-rooted systems of injustice in their own country and desire to advocate for change. Historically, US-2s leave their home state during service, giving them the opportunity to see a new community with a fresh perspective while learning about systems preventing change. The program’s placement sites offer direct work experience, job training and mentorship for fellows while meeting immediate needs in the placement context.
If you are an alumni of the US-2 program, click here to update your contact information!
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