United Methodist Leadership Development in Africa and the Philippines
Project Information
Working with annual conference leaders in Africa and the Philippines, this project supports the formation and development of United Methodist identity and denominational connection among leaders and members of The United Methodist Church. As each annual conference establishes a strong United Methodist identity and ethos, their mission and ministry will be strengthened, especially in areas where outside forces seek to discredit the church.
Describe the need affecting community
The United Methodist Church provides a strong evangelical and missional witness across Africa and the Philippines, resulting in wholistic ministries that change lives and transform communities. This witness has been under attack from outside groups seeking to discredit the witness of The United Methodist Church. Bishops and annual conference leaders have been mobilizing to strengthen the United Methodist identity to combat the destructive narratives that seek to divide.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Bishops and annual conference leaders have requested financial assistance as they deploy indigenous leaders committed to being United Methodist to equip and train members across their annual conferences. Funds will cover costs related to transportation, communication, training, translation of materials into local languages, printing and other needs related to the unique contexts in each episcopal area. In partnership with our annual conference leaders, we will overcome misinformation and provide space for training and open dialogue related to critical matters facing the church, thereby strengthening the United Methodist witness locally and within the Connection.
Describe the primary goal of the project
Partnering with United Methodist leaders across Africa and the Philippines, the United Methodist identity of leaders and members will be strengthened. This will combat misinformation that seeks to divide the church, while strengthening local leadership and their connection within the denomination.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
Members of annual conferences will have access to information provided by indigenous leaders that will shape their understanding of what it means to be United Methodist within their regional context. This will strengthen their membership in and commitment to God’s mission as expressed through The United Methodist Church.
Contact Information
Rev. Deanna E. Stickley-Miner
Note: A person from Africa will be named as a secondary person.