Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century (SBC21)

Project Information
Empowering the Black Church for the 21st Century.
Describe the need affecting community
United Methodist Black churches in the U.S. face a decline, with only 2,000 remaining. The decline deprives the broader community of valuable contributions. These churches need support, including coaching, leadership development and community needs assessment. As director Dr. Michael Bowie emphasizes, there’s an urgent need for revitalization. SBC21 provides transformative ministry opportunities to create more relevant, sustainable and vibrant faith communities.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
SBC21 offers diverse programs to bolster Black churches, ensuring their strength and service to communities, and fosters discipleship for God’s mission. Initiatives like Black Church Matters (BCM) emphasize ReImagine, ReVitalize and RePurpose strategies. The Collaborative Coaching Network (CCN) enhances congregations for community transformation through leadership development and acts of social justice. The SBC21 National Network of Young Adults supports emerging African American clergy and laypersons, nurturing their callings. The Office of Social Justice and Transformation inspires Methodist bodies to engage in social justice and combat injustices like mass incarceration.
Describe the primary goal of the project
SBC21 aims to empower Black churches, fostering health, vitality, relevance and fruitfulness through competent leadership and transformative resources. By facilitating church growth, the project envisions these churches as beacons of hope, hospitality and justice within their communities.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
SBC21 envisions a world where Black leaders and congregations will create an equitable society that is inclusive of thriving Black and racial ethnic congregations and communities.
Contact Information
Dr. Michael Bowie, National Director, SBC21
(615) 340-1721
Mrs. Carolyn Dandridge, SBC21 Administrator
877-899-2780, ext. 1795