Church World Service, CROP Hunger Walk
Project Information
Providing assistance for hungry people.
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
CROP Hunger Walk is the community-based fundraising and awareness building appeal of Church World Service, a coalition of 37 Christian denominations (including the United Methodist Church) and a major force in the fight to end hugner here at home and around the world. Each year, roughly 2000 communities participate in local CROP Hunger Walks. The walks are a vehicle for people of faith (of all ages and abilities) to provide food and water, as well as resources that empower people to meet their own needs. From seeds and tools, to wells and water systems, to technical training and small business loans, the key is people working together to identify their own development priorities, their strengths and their needs, something CWS has learned through some 70 years of working in partnership around the world. While the primary purpose is to end hunger, a secondary purpose is to bring local communities together in ecumenical partnership to be prophetic witnesses to the issue of hunger in our country and abroad, and to plant the seeds of service for youth and young adults. Each year, roughly 110,000 walkers walk the walk and end hunger, one step at a time.
Describe the primary goal of the project
a.) Engage United Methodist congregations in providing leadership for the community-wide interfaith CROP Hunger Walk. b.) Involve United Methodists in providing financial support for this local/global mission opportunity.