Church And Community Ministries
Country: United States
Advance #982147

Project Information
Supporting GBGM mission personnel serving the poor and disenfranchised in rural and urban areas in the US.
Describe the need affecting community
The Church and Community Ministry Program is designed to make available a mobile cadre of workers in mission, who serve at the grassroots level, the majority of whom are deployed to areas across the nation in response to a request for Church and Community Workers through an application process. It is also designed to provide a channel of service for women and men who wish to serve in urban/rural/specialized projects in the United States. Church and Community Workers are professional persons with a commitment to Jesus Christ, to the Church, and to ministries of compassion, justice, liberation, and self-development of people. They are a mobile cadre of workers in mission who serve at the grassroots level to assist the Church and community in coming to grips with issues, needs, and problems facing them.
Contact Information
Global Ministries Contact
Hannah Hanson