United Methodist Volunteers In Mission – Southeastern Jurisdiction

Project Information
Coordinating and preparing volunteers for short-term service.
Describe the need affecting community
Various needs for cleaning up and rebuilding after a disaster; health care and education; construction of churches, schools, and clinics; pastor and laity training; sanitation and clean water; to poverty and lack of resources.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Connecting and empowering short-term volunteers as individuals and teams to serve as the embodiment of Jesus Christ around the world.
Describe the primary goal of the project
1. To empower servants of Jesus Christ as short-term missionaries to meet the needs of the world. 2. To engage a new generation in the ministries of United Methodist Volunteers in Mission. 3. To increase the number of persons of diverse ethnic background engaging in United Methodist Volunteers in Mission. 4. To serve as a liaison for annual conferences affected by disaster and United Methodist Committee on Relief. 5. To serve as a liaison for The General Board of Global Ministries. 6. To increase awareness of United Methodist Volunteers in Mission. 7. To utilize technology to enhance the ministries of United Methodist Volunteers in Mission. Measurable Outcomes: Increase in the number of volunteers serving, team leaders trained, young adults serving, participants at Young People in Mission, and persons of diverse ethnic background in UMVIM Leadership positions and on teams. Timeline: already working toward these goals and outcomes to accomplish by 2022.