United Methodist Volunteers In Mission – North Central Jurisdiction

Country: Global
Advance #901375 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Training, educating, and resourcing volunteers for short term Christian Service

Annual Goal: $25,000.00

Year to Date Gifts: $1,336.95

Describe the need affecting community

Various needs for volunteers include: cleaning up and rebuilding after a disaster; empowerment in health care and education; construction of churches, schools, and clinics; pastor and laity training; working for sanitation and clean water; caring for our environment; evangelizing; to poverty reduction for those with a lack of resources.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

Connecting and empowering short-term volunteers, individuals and teams, to serve as the embodiment of Jesus Christ around the world with an attitude of servant-hood and mutuality in mission.

Describe the primary goal of the project

+ Leadership Development: To train more United Methodists as team leaders for general UMVIM, medical UMVIM, Early Response teams and teaching teams. + To empower servants of Jesus Christ as short-term missionaries to respond to the cries of needs of the w

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