Gulfside Association, Inc.

Project Information
Advocating for underserved communities to address poverty, education, and leadership
Describe the need affecting community
Approximately 30% of children in our county live with food insecurity and 76% receive free/reduced lunches. As Gulfside rebuilds programming and develops a long-term plan for our property we are working towards food security and safe affordable housing in our county as well as inspiring students to further their education.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Through partnerships we will: develop a community garden to provide fresh produce; repair homes; and provide opportunities for high school students to explore higher education through our Mission Education Travel Study Seminar.
Describe the primary goal of the project
For nearly 100 years Gulfside has advocated and provided opportunities for underserved, excluded and discriminated against people and communities. Today, we continue to engage in the ministry of advocacy by inspiring people, churches, and organizations to positively impact underserved communities and training the next generation of multicultural advocates.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
Over the next 5 years, our community garden will be helping families to have fresh produce, homes will be safer due to repairs and improvements, more students will seek higher education, and our facilities plan will be finalized.
Contact Information
Global Ministries Contact
Cheryl Thompson