Cookson Hills Center United Methodist Mission

Country: United States
Advance #582161 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Providing relief, education, healthcare, employment opportunities and cottage industry.

Describe the need affecting community

We are located in 3 of the 4 poorest counties in OK. Poverty is systemic and all of the effects of poverty can be seen here in this area. (Domestic Violence, addiction, incest, gambling, child neglect, hunger, lack of transportation and spiritual depravity.) 38% of our children go to bed hungry, and 38% of our elderly go to bed hungry. Native Americans are the poorest ethnic group in the United States.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

We provide services that aid the poor. We have instituted 7 cottage industries to provide employment.

Describe the primary goal of the project

To meet the needs of the poor and to be the hands and feet of Christ to this community. We have been in service for 68 years and we have impacted the community in mammoth ways but poverty and education are relative. As we make forward motion, so does the rest of society so we move forward but still cannot catch up.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

We would like to see people who know they are valued, self-reliant and self-determined. We would like to see more resources – less addiction and less hate.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Rev. Judy Deere