Four Corners Native American Ministry

Project Information
Developing churches and fulfilling outreach project goals on the reservation.
Describe the need affecting community
Our churches are spread out in three states – Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Many of our churches lack a strong, stable financial base with which to pay their utility bills. Also which is their biggest expense, and the pastors work with no or very little compensation. FCNAM provides the churches with donated hymnals, VBS and Sunday school resources as well as some equipment, i.e chairs, pews etc. To be effective and for self-respect, our people like their church to look nice and fulfill what people “think” a church should look like. Our people also lack self-esteem so when their church looks nice, especially in light of the adversity between the traditional religion and Christianity. Our communities need hope, love and acceptance that is what the church and the gospel offers. FCNAM will be working closely with the churches and their Boards to encourage them to pay their pastor or contribute to a retirement fund for them.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
We can help the people get to the trainings which are open to the pastors and their congregation. Our trainings include a continental breakfast, lunch and a snack for the trip home since some of them travel 3.5 hours one way. We do provide money for gas not much, fifteen cents a gallon. Our project offers trainings that are relevant, culturally sensitive which provides incentive for attending. By working closely with the churches and their Board and Pastor, help them develop long range plans and learn different means of evangelism.
Describe the primary goal of the project
Develop effective leaders who are compensated in some manner and form engaged disciples in growing churches who are willing to live out their faith with compassion and a spirit of reconciliation. Our project will have a positive impact on the Navajo communities as they grow in confidence and self-esteem in their faith, knowing that their churches are growing and Christianity will continue in their path. Hopefully, a new younger person will enter into ministry.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
Faithful disciples willing to share their faith. Strong, effective pastors who are compensated to some degree. Growing churches that reach out to their communities, regardless of their faith practices. Younger persons interested in pursuing ordained ministry.
Contact Information
Global Ministries Contact
Debra A. Yazzie