Grace Children’s Hospital (GCH) and Outpatient Clinic

Country: Haiti
Advance #418520 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Providing life-changing health care and education services, including treatment of chronic illnesses like tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, to children and their family for over 50 years.

Describe the need affecting community

In the early 1960s when International Child Care’s founders Jim and Virginia Snavley first visited Haiti, they witnessed the shocking sight of children dying in the streets from tuberculosis, malnutrition, and other illnesses that were practically unheard of in the US at the time. They felt God’s call to come to Haiti and open a small clinic, and thus Grace Children’s Hospital was born. As the poorest country of the Western hemisphere, approximately 80% of Haitians live on less than $1 a day. The Delmas neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, where the hospital is located, is an area of great need for healthcare services. Families cannot afford the healthcare and, without Grace Children’s Hospital, would have nowhere to turn. Children come in with a variety of diseases in addition to severe malnutrition.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

Grace Children’s Hospital will continue to provide in-patient and out-patient care for children and families with tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and respiratory infections as well as provide follow-up care. This project will continue the current level of care, expand patient education for community health, and increase the number of patients the hospital is able to see. The staff will continue the full services of Grace Children’s Hospital in Lower Delmas, including x-ray, medication, and lab availability for health promoters. Grace Children’s Hospital provides care for those who would not be able to afford it otherwise and gives hope for children to live beyond their low life-expectancy.

Describe the primary goal of the project

To provide hospital and out-patient care for children and families with tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and respiratory infections and follow up with clinical healthcare for patients discharged from Grace Children’s Hospital and their families. Long-term, the project hopes to expand its reach to more families and to educate the community about healthcare and nutrition.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

A community disease-free and more knowledgeable in nutrition and health issues.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact