Girls Advocacy Program

Project Information
Advocating for girls and sensitizing communities against early marriages
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Advocacy and teaching will be the main tools for the project since many people in the communities do not know about the rights of the women (girls) and as a result, their send the girls to early marriage. We will provide community training on Human basic right as well as the biblical perspective of what it means to be a human being made in God’s image.
Describe the primary goal of the project
The primary goal of this project is to educate communities and advocate for the rights of girls. The long term impact is to see reduced the number of cases of girls being pushed into early marriages.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
The main desire is to see communities free from practice of girls forced marriage. We hope have families and communities that respect the girls dignity and respect their rights.