Rural Women & Young Girls Leadership & Empowerment Project

Country: Kenya
Advance #3022287 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Raising rural women entrepreneurs and leaders for sustainable livelihoods.

Describe the need affecting community

The young girls in this community are subjected to female genital mutilation, teenage pregnancies, early marriage and prostitution as their families cannot afford high school education. They are subjected to child labor to assist their families raise an income to meet basic needs such as food, water and healthcare. The women on the other hand suffer domestic violence and are voiceless. A few lose their lives to treatable common diseases and complications during childbirth.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

The project will help address this need through our four areas of focus: 1. Servant Leadership training – Recognizes that all persons are equal and contribute significantly to the development of any community. 2. Economic Empowerment – a) Identification and management of micro & small-scale businesses; b) Bookkeeping and Financial Management 3. Animal Husbandry – Imparting rural women and young girls with skills in rearing healthy farm animals for domestic and commercial purpose. 4. Conservation Agriculture – Agribusiness while healing the land through Farming God’s Way.

Describe the primary goal of the project

To raise rural women entrepreneurs and impart leadership skills in young girls.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

1. The increase in the number of women and young girls training through our program. 2. The number of income generating projects initiated and ran by women. 3. The number of women and young girls taking up leadership positions in the community. 4. The number of young girls graduating from high school and colleges/universities. 5. The reduced number of domestic violence cases, teenage pregnancies, early marriages, female genital mutilation practices and those engaged in prostitution. 6. The frequency of community meetings and number of community projects/programs initiated, aimed at providing solutions to community needs.

Contact Information

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