Nyadire Mission Hospital Renovations

Project Information
Renovating hospital departments to meet the National Health standards and improve patient care
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
In The Patients’ Charter, the patient has the right to access a health service in a clean and friendly environment. Improvement of the quality of health service provision to our catchment population. Our staff need good accommodation and a good working environment in order to offer the health service. In line with the kitchen refurbishment, this will improve hospital internal look and hygiene, which will create a clean working environment and preventing food contamination. Our hospital infrastructure is monitored quarterly by the Ministry of Health through the results based funding program (RBF) this refurbishment will enable us to meet with the current health standards. Since the hospital is old (built in 1923), it needs constant upgrades and tilling to improve the outlook and control infection – in line with our national infection control policy. The extension of our pharmacy will address the issue of limited medicines storage, temperature control, and we will also meet National Standards for pharmacy drug storage for improved shelf life. Laboratory tests are critical for diagnosis and treatment of disease. The quality of the results are heavily dependent on a temperature controlled environment, this will markedly improve our project will greatly improve disease diagnosis and treatments. Power outages have been a challenge regionally (documented power shortages in the SADC region), revitalizing our back up power generator will ensure consistency in health service provision by powering electricity dependent equipment in all departments of the hospital. Such as (X- ray, cold rooms, mortuary, anesthetic machines, chemistry machines, blood bank refrigerator and lighting in general.
Describe the primary goal of the project
To refurbish the hospital infrastructure in order to continue offering health care services to the community.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
More people attending the hospital for service.