New Churches Construction in Dar es Salaam

Project Information
Building a church for worship and needs for believers of Dar es Salaam.
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Our project will help to address the needs because once the church is built, they will have a building for worship and other needs. Believers will not stay home they will go to the church to worship, and many others like Muslims will be converted. This will help the United Methodist Church in Tanzania to grow because Dar es Salaam is a metropolitan and business port city. Once we have a nice church buildings, in the largest city of the country visitors, tourists, diplomats, ministers and even state people can come and worship with us in United Methodist Church. This is very important for our church to be recognize as well instead of being seen like an indigenous church without facilities and existing like an adventure. The church received a mission from Jesus to go all over the world preach and teach God’s word for the transformation of the world. The church building will help to change people spiritually, mentally, physically and materially and transform the society in these areas.
Describe the primary goal of the project
1. To make disciples of Jesus Christ 2. To provide a church building to the natives, visitors, volunteers and others where they can meet for prayers, worships and spiritual activities.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
We would like to see in the community big changes: Spiritual, mental, physical and material changes.