United Methodist University of Mozambique

Project Information
Implementing an institution to provide high education.
Describe the need affecting community
United Methodist University of Mozambique is the first United Methodist Church related of high learning committed to provide a quality education and training to people of all ages, centered in human values. Most of the communities being served by the project are not wealthy and it has been difficult for them to send their children to attend universities due to lack of resources. The United Methodist University of Mozambique aims on providing opportunity for further education, inspired by the lack of qualified people to respond to the needs for development of communities and a country as a whole. Reducing poverty through education is the scope of our project. Since ideas do not come together with resources, the university is facing some challenges especially related to infrastructures and other relevant materials for the kind of activities projected to be carried out at the institution.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
This project will help to address this need because if we get the necessary support though Advance, we will be able to create the necessary conditions as response to the needs and we will improve the quality of services provided at and by the institution.
Describe the primary goal of the project
To contribute for the development of the country through provision of theoretical and technical know-how among people of different ages and interest in the area of knowledge and professionalism, reducing the level of illiteracy or low level of education within Mozambican communities.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
Through the number of students graduating and their competitiveness in the work market. The more student we have trained and have them employed, be it in firms, organizations or even self employment, we will be able to see how successful the project is.