Gwaten Comprehensive Secondary School
Country: Nigeria
Advance #3021631

Project Information
Building and staffing a secondary school that will prepare children for college.
Describe the need affecting community
There is a number of youths that need school. The lack of schools have created bad images with society and young people are becoming hooligan. The economic dependency is too much. We needed a school which provides appropriate and essential knowledgeable skills and experiences suitable for meeting the contemporary challenges of the Nigeria labor. We must provide: 1.) Solid educational foundation to the youth to enable them to make significant academic progress in their chosen careers 2.) Early ground for the development of Christian faith in the life of our youths; 3.) A model for Secondary education in Nigeria
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
By teaching the young people, and giving them comprehensive knowledge.
Describe the primary goal of the project
To provide a comprehensive secondary education that will eventually lead to self self employment and job security after graduation.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
There will be an economically improved, and free violence society that will be self sustaining.
Contact Information
Global Ministries Contact
Mr. Asaba Chin Ali