Wadi Foquin Narjes Community Development Project

Country: Israel/Palestine
Advance #3021565 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Providing community-based development projects for residents of Palestinian villages in the West Bank.

Describe the need affecting community

Wadi Foquin has a population of 1300, located next to a large Israeli settlement to the east and the Green Line to the west Agricultural needs: clean water access, aqueducts, land clean up of chemicals, road access to fields cut off from settlement development, Health facilities for emergencies Education- more rooms for schools Internal roads in the village Sewage network for the village Saving the remaining farm land from being confiscated and destroyed

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

The Narjes Community project works within the structure of the greater community of Wadi Foquin city council. We do our part to assist where there is need and we have people, understanding and expertise. Several people of the Narjes Community have qualifications and expertise that they share in the community.

Describe the primary goal of the project

The goals of the Guest House project are: 1. Creation of jobs for men & women 2 . Enable visitors to stay in the village country side among local farmers 3. Provide farmers with opportunity to sell products 4. Protect the land from annexation for settlement development

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

The location of the village of Wadi Foquin is 8 miles from the town of Bethlehem. The Guest House will offer an opportunity for local people to share their cultural and social values with international visitors while creating a new economic program for the village. Note: The Guest House project will include 6 rooms constructed with wood in a simple design. Each room will include two beds and a bathroom. Costs for the construction of each room will be $7,000 and include labor, materials, and furnishings. The Guest House will be managed by Narjes CDP and will generate revenue through the rental of the rooms. The land will be donated by one of the farmers in the village supporting Narjes CDP. Rooms will be built one at a time as funding is received.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Ata Manasra
00972 (0) 546918644