Integral Ministry for Children, Ecuador

Country: Ecuador
Advance #3021530 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Attending to the spiritual, educational and health needs of at-risk children and teenagers.

Describe the need affecting community

The current situation of abandonment of children in poor rural and urban communities is alarming. Due to migration of parents looking for work, many children live with their grandparents or other relatives, while others live in single parent homes. Because parents have to work, there is no one at home to help the children with homework or with their normal physical development. Children and teenagers don’t have a good guide, and are exposed to gangs, violence, and many other social problems. Of the 20 Methodist Churches in Ecuador, 6 churches have an intentional ministry focused on children and teenagers through after school programs. Developing an integral ministry with the children and families, offering Christian education, discipleship, family counseling, evangelism, academic development, music training, nutrition and healthcare. These new mission initiatives present an urgent need to improve their facilities and equipment, train volunteers, support pastors and local leadership, support Christian education, nutrition and other programs. With your contributions you can be a part of these ministries, and together we can transform the lives of hundreds of children and families.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

These and new mission initiatives present an urgent need to improve their facilities and equipment, train volunteers, support pastors, and local leadership, support Christian education, nutrition and other programs. With your contributions you can be a part of these ministries, and together we can transform the lives of hundreds of children and families.

Describe the primary goal of the project

To strengthen the spiritual, educational and healthy development of children in need, both in rural and urban sites.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

Children and families enjoying a healthy life without violence and without fear, living under values of love and the abundant life that the Gospel bring us.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Bishop Silvio Cevallos
Sara Flores Quinonez