Kisangani Mission Station

Country: Congo, (Democratic Republic)
Advance #3021401 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Improving facilities that house a healthcare facility, schools, church and orphanage at the mission

Describe the need affecting community

Prior to the establishment of this mission station most of the Congolese were victims of cruel, and harsh labor practices. With few resources for refuge, healing, safety, and education. The mission station at Kisangani was, and still is, one of the largest refugee centers for Congolese fleeing Eastern Congo. During the 20 years of the Congo Civil war, the city was virtually leveled. Millions of Congolese lost their homes and businesses. Many churches were destroyed as well. Rebuilding the mission station is critical so it can bring back the services it once rendered, to thousands of people in the condition described above. The church seeks to minister to the immediate community and those from far away places for their very survival and opportunity for improved living

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

The project will assist us with rehabilitating the health facilities, orphanages, and the schools will also be constructed.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

Improvement of the well being of the population.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Bishop Gabriel Unda Yemba
(243) 99 812 7204