Tudikwashi – Empowering Women and Children

Country: Zambia
Advance #3020777 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Empowering women and children to improve their status, wellbeing, self-esteem and quality of life.

Describe the need affecting community

We are working in 2 communities in Kitwe where most women are being abused by their partners. Being that he is the main source of income and the women having no education and skills, and is forced to stay in such a relationship or marriage because they don’t have a choice. The Gender Based Violence keeps increasing every year. The number of street kids keeps getting higher among the orphans and vulnerable children, because they don’t have access to education. An the lack of support because some of them are being kept by their grandmothers, who also have lack of education and skills. The communities live in abject poverty with all its consequences like, early marriage, dropping out of school, unwanted pregnancies, drug abuse, prostitution, and HIV/AIDS. The high rate of unemployment is worsening the situation, lack of education and skills in the youths is common. In the other end the rate of malnutrition in the children in high.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

Our project is part and parcel in addressing these issues according to the needs of the communities. Our aim is to help the communities to live a quality life.

Describe the primary goal of the project

Empower women and children to improve their status, well being, self esteem and quality of life.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Mr. Gideon Phiri