School of Evangelism and Missions

Project Information
Training and equipping pastors, evangelists, and the laity of the LAC/UMC.
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Firstly, as a major part of our mission, the DEM trains and mobilizes pastors, evangelists, local missionaries, the laity and other church workers to reach various parts of the conference and beyond with the gospel. These church workers are strategically selected and equipped to accelerate the spread of the gospel throughout Liberia. Secondly, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the DEM will develop evangelistic and mission-minded leaders through four important strategies: A) Pray regularly for the pastors and ministers of the gospel for spiritual vitality and effective evangelism and discipleship, B) Equip pastors and church workers with passion for evangelism and discipleship through advance leadership and discipleship workshops, seminars, and retreats C) Partner with pastors and church leaders to host strategic leadership training D) Network leaders to share resources , encouragement and prayer for evangelistic and mission and church planting activities. Thirdly, the program will make disciples for Christ by accelerating the spread of the gospel through leaders of leaders empowered by the Holy Spirit. To realize this, the DEM will train and mobilize pastors, evangelists, local missionaries, the laity and other church works to reach various parts of the conference with the gospel.
Describe the primary goal of the project
The primary goal of the project is to develop men and women who are evangelistically functional and mission-minded planted across the conference to do aggressive and intentional evangelism, discipleship, church planting and mission work. The long term impact is, within the next four years, we expect that: 1) over 10,000 clergy, laity and other church workers to be trained and equipped in the areas of evangelism, missions and discipleship, 2) both clergy and laity and other church workers will acquire various and basic skills for effective faith sharing for the propagation of the gospel with cultural relevance and sensitivity and power, and 3) Twenty (20) churches will be planted and over twenty (25) renewed
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
In an effort to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, accountability and sustainability, the DEM will conduct a quarterly retreat to evaluate and monitor progress and impact on the work of evangelization in the areas of concentration within the Conference.