Operation Classroom – Liberia

Country: Liberia
Advance #3020494 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Improving secondary education through partnership with The United Methodist Church in Liberia.

Describe the need affecting community

There is a desperate need to educate young men and women in fields where employment is a possibility – in particular in agriculture (the most significant resource Liberia has is its land), in engine mechanics, and in construction. With unemployment at over 50%, these are fields where immediate employment is a real possibility.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

By equipping young men and women with the knowledge and skills they need to find work in fields where work is available – sometimes in start-up enterprises.

Describe the primary goal of the project

The Operation Classroom Mission Statement is specific and focused: “To Partner with the United Methodist Church in Liberia and Sierra Leone to improve secondary education. We’ve been doing that for almost 30 years. But now, with the development of the “African Enterprise Academy” program, we intent upon making that even more focused, and more productive.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

Our goal is very specific – to see young men and women able to provide for themselves and their families – and provide ethical Christian leadership within their communities.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact