Mission Guatemala

Country: Guatemala
Advance #3019214 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Implementing health, education and nutrition programs in the Lake Atitlan region

Describe the need affecting community

Poverty in Guatemala is both widespread and severe. Approximately 75 percent of the population is estimated to live below the poverty line, which is defined as an income that is insufficient to purchase a basic basket of goods and services. Almost 58 percent of the population have incomes below the extreme poverty line, which is defined as the amount needed to purchase a basic basket of food. The area where we work in Guatemala reflects this description of poverty.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

I believe this question was answered above. We will continue to do the work we are doing and expand it where we can. For example, the eye clinic was a new addition in 2015. We have also expanded our feeding programs and will work towards adding more feeding opportunities for children in the future. Our VIM teams help address community needs like constructing flush toilets at schools, and hand washing sinks. These are some of the ways in which Mission Guatemala is addressing the community needs.

Describe the primary goal of the project

Mission Guatemala is trying to improve the health, education and nutrition of the adults and children in San Andréa by being the hands and feet of Christ. We want to make the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 25 our day to day reality.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

We are already seeing changes, especially in our feeding program. We would like to see a healthier better educated community as a result of the work we do. Since we have been working in the area for about 6 years, we have anecdotally heard about how we have been making a difference from community leaders and community members.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact