Providence Children’s Home

Country: Kenya
Advance #3019212 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Constructing homes and a clinic serving orphans whose parents died from HIV/AIDS.

Describe the need affecting community

There remain over 2 million orphans in Kenya, many whose parents died from HIV/AIDS. Our ministry was established to reach the “street children” who had nobody to give them a secure and promising future with a Christian upbringing. In recent years, we have discovered that the Kenyan government has swept up these children and placed them in government facilities while a family member is sought. Failing to find anybody to claim the child, they are declared wards of the state and placed in permanent government facilities. There, boys and girls are placed together and there is no place to run from attacks or abuse. We have learned that we can petition through the courts to become the guardian for these children. So, the OVC children are the new “street kids” of Kenya. OVC children have lived a very harsh life and it takes much care and attention to integrate them into a “normal” lifestyle, including grooming, attending school, getting long with other children in the orphanage, etc. We have focused on girl orphans up to now, but there is a growing need for boy orphans to be given the same opportunities. The primary healthcare for most Kenyans comes from a local clinic. There is a need in most communities for affordable clinic care to diagnose illnesses and administer drugs that help to cure them or alleviate their illness. These include anti-retrovirals for HIV/AIDS, malaria treatment and treatments of many common ailments such as colds and the flu. In most cases, laboratories only exist in regional hospitals, so there are many mis-diagnoses without proper analyses of cultures and blood samples.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

See above.

Describe the primary goal of the project

PCH intends to provide for the entire well-being of orphaned children in Kenya, including their physical, emotional, spiritual and academic needs, to help them discover and reach the potential that God intends for them. The long term impact will be the development of Christian, leaders in Kenya from children who arrived at PCH with no hope for a future other than mere survival.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

It is hoped that the local area would see PCH as a place to draw community together because of the quality of education provided at the school, the level of healthcare offered by the clinic to the residents in the area and the leadership contributions made by the orphans who are nurtured at the orphanage.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact