Pastors’ Salary Support

Country: Lithuania
Advance #14715A DONATE NOW

Project Information

Providing salary support for the pastors of the Lithuania United Methodist Church.

Describe the need affecting community

Local churches cannot afford to pay pastors‘ salaries. Each local church puts efforts into tithing, and on the national level, a certain percentage has been set for monthly support, but it is not adequate.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

Salaries will be paid in an European Union country, where minimum salary requirements are quite high, but the lowest in the entire European Union. At this point, pastors are not permitted to work outside of the church. They are expected to focus fully on ministry.

Describe the primary goal of the project

Provide a basic living wage to Lithuanian pastors. The long-term impact will enable churches to have pastoral leadership while congregations develop to become self-supporting. The church in Lithuania is learning to be mindful of tithing and giving in local congregations.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

  • Pastors will focus on ministry and remain dedicated to engaging in God’s mission.
  • Because of strong pastoral leadership, the local church will develop and increase lay leadership and will be empowered to engage in outreach.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact

The Rev. Remigijus Matulaitis
Mobile phone: +37063688901

Jeanie Reimer
In Mission Together Global Ministries Coordinator