Hope For The Deaf Skills Training Program

Project Information
Providing skills training for hearing-impaired persons.
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
We will first hire the expertise of individuals in the areas of Special Education and Deaf Education with special skills in teaching sign language. We will hire the service of a trained shoes maker to teach our shoe making class as well as a trained tailor to teach sewing. Will purchase all the needed training materials and equipment for both our tailoring and shoe making classes. Each training is going to last for twelve (12) months after which a one month training will be provided to help them start a business. Training package will be given to each graduate. We are convinced that this is going to help them a long way in the community.
Describe the primary goal of the project
The primary goal of this project is to provide an opportunity through skills training for the deaf and hard of hearing children to develop their full potential in order to lead a meaningful productive life.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
As the result of our project, I would like to see our graduates operating at lease their own Mini business in the community. With the knowledge acquired, I would love to see the community and deaf working together. I would like to see respect and value be restored back to the deaf in the community.