Aids Orphans and Community Health, Maua Hospital
Project Information
Providing food, tuition, uniforms, shoes and medical care for 1,600 children orphaned by AIDS.
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
AIDS orphans 1.) Enroll more children orphaned by AIDS in MMH catchment’s area & offer support, as help is made available. 2.) Ensure all our enrolled AIDS orphans have NHIF coverage 3.) Provide subsidized outpatient treatment and care for AIDS orphans at Maua Methodist Hospital 4.) Ensure all children with HIV are enrolled in MMH HIV program for treatment 5.) Ensure all AIDS orphans’ siblings and family members have their own HIV status known & are on treatment if HIV positive 6.) Integrate AIDS orphans into local schools 7.) Ensure food security to AIDS orphans 8.) Enhance community awareness on the plight of AIDS orphans 9.) Educate guardians of AIDS orphans on health care, child and human rights 10.) Provide emergency food relief in case of natural disaster e.g. drought 11.) Train the AIDS Orphans’ guardians on how to care and support AIDS orphans 12.) Support the AIDS orphaned children in acquiring basic primary education by placing them in schools and supplying them with uniforms and small school levies 13.) Send children who perform well to secondary school 14.) Increase awareness of HIV/AIDS in our local community and decrease the AIDS infection rate through treatment with ARVs. 15.) Tell them of the love of God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ, offering hope for the future 16.) Form support groups for the guardians so that they can help plan strategies to help the AIDS orphans Community Health 1.) An advance gift will enable Maua Methodist Hospital to expand the existing community healthcare and essential, preventive and curative health care services to our community 2.) Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV is an essential part of our services. PMTCT not only reduces the risk of HIV infection of the newborn from 35% to less than 1% 3.) Testing and counseling of pregnant mothers is also an entry point for HIV counseling and testing for the husband and other community members 4.) Community Health care initiatives e.g. burns prevention. Burns are disfiguring & extremely expensive to treat. We show mothers how to build raised fireplaces instead of traditional fireplaces on the ground. 5.) Encourage mothers who deliver to accept contraception to space their children 6.) Encourage all children to complete immunizations 7.) Reduce incidence of worm infestation 8.) Carry out community screening for non-communicable diseases e.g. diabetes & hypertension 9.) Encourage more people accept Jesus Christ as Lord. The program will continue to address these need by carrying out community mobile clinics regularly each month and providing these services, referring client with health problems to the hospital, involving community volunteers in the outreach program, visit local schools and carry our physical examinations
Describe the primary goal of the project
AIDS Orphans will be provided with out-patient medical care, ARVs, NHIF coverage, education, food security and where necessary, shelter. This will give them the chance to survive into adulthood with an opportunity for employment and self-sufficiency. Guardians will be trained to provide better care for these AIDS orphans. Community health will expand the existing community healthcare and essential, preventive and curative health care services to our community. ANC, FP, safe childbirth, immunizations, under fives care are all essential programs in community health. Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV is a vital part of our services. PMTCT not only reduces the risk of HIV infection of the newborn from 35% to less than 1%. Testing and counseling of pregnant mothers is also an entry point for HIV counseling and testing for the husband and other community members Community Health care initiatives will help with e.g. burns prevention. Burns are disfiguring & extremely expensive to treat. We show mothers how to build raised fireplaces instead of traditional fireplaces on the ground. Community Health also provides screening for non-communicable diseases e.g. diabetes & hypertension, cervical cancer, & provides basic treatment & referral to hospital for more specialized intervention Reaching the poor & disadvantaged with the extended hand of care will encourage more people accept Jesus Christ as Lord as they see love in practical action
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
The potential of AIDS orphans being enhanced through this project. AIDS orphans being registered into care, NHIF, and those who are HIV positive receiving ART, thus improving their general health and wellbeing AIDS orphans having equal opportunities like any other child in the community, through education and/or vocational training. Reduction in home deliveries with more women being delivered by skilled professionals, thus reducing maternal and infant deaths More pregnant women accessing maternal and child services both in the clinic and in the community. Maua Methodist Hospital continuing to reach the most marginalized populations and the most at risk with preventive services and health promotion. More mothers receiving antenatal care, treated bed nets, and health education More children completing their childhood immunizations More patients registering for long-term care of their NCDs e.g. hypertension, diabetes
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