Manjama United Methodist Health Center
Project Information
Providing primary healthcare and outreach programs for a rural population
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
It is expected that implementation of this project will resolve under-staffing as more trained and qualified staff will be employed and motivated through staff salary and allowances. Provision of (1) one ambulance for health worker to do effective outreach and referral of emergencies and maternal complications. Provision of a functional cold chain system (refrigerator, cold boxes, temperature monitors), to promote timely immunization of children under-five’s. Provision of adequate anti-malaria drugs and test kits, long lasting insecticide treated nets for malaria prevention, and community sensitization on use of the LLINs through radio discussion, jingles, and community meetings to ensure pregnant women and lactating mothers/children under-fives to utilize the services and lead to reduction malaria and childhood deaths. Training and provision of delivery kits will equip the health worker with required knowledge and skills on the use of Partograph and EMNoC to promote skilled delivery and more live births with post natal care services. Manjama will experience an increase in attendance for the continuum of care : ANC visits, delivery and post natal care.
Describe the primary goal of the project
Goal is “to improve the health and well-being of residents in the Manjama UMC health facility catchments, through improvement in primary health care programs with special reference to maternal and child health care”.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
80% of pregnant women receives skilled delivery and timely referral; 80% of children protected from vaccine preventable disease; 90% of Children under fives with childhood illness identified and treated timely. Improved maternal and child health • 80% essential Pre, Intra and Post Natal services offered by the health services • Improved maternal and child health •Improved capacity of health workers in the management of EmONC services Increased knowledge of mothers on safe motherhood and early childhood•