Summer Camp for Lithuanian Children and Youth

Country: Lithuania
Advance #13555A DONATE NOW

Project Information

Providing a Christian camping experience for children and youth.

Describe the need affecting community

This is a great opportunity for families and young people to spend time together on a spiritual journey, deepening relationships with God and with one another.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

This camp ministry allows people to participate in a meaningful way. Families will respond with grateful hearts as, through the church, God provides an opportunity that might otherwise be beyond their reach and that will strengthen their relationships with one another and with God.

Describe the primary goal of the project

  • To offer a national camping ministry for youth and children
  • To encourage families to attend with their children and youth
  • To invite participants to build relationships with God
  • To provide a safe place for young people whose families experience social challenges

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

  • Attendees will make new friends, especially their friend, Jesus, their Savior.
  • Increasing numbers of people will become active in local churches.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact

The Rev. Remigijus Matulaitis
Mobile phone: +37063688901

Jeanie Reimer
In Mission Together Global Ministries Coordinator